In this place of water and dreams

pencil on bristol, 9×12″ MMXII
D and Vincent of “Blood Roses”

After two months of dreaming, one month of writing, one day of wine with pencil and paper, D has decided it’s time for an unofficial announcement that we are working on “Blood Roses” again!  This is a project I started in 1998, published 2000-2005 and suddenly stopped working on.  Well, I’ve suddenly started again, as some of you close to me already know.

For those of you who don’t:  This is a comic series I started quite a while ago.  My main character went out on extended holiday around 2005 and recently returned and I’m compelled, inspired, obsessed and working on it again.  I’ve got a lot of ideas brewing and today spent time with a drawing pencil instead of writing pen so I thought I’d share what happened.  I plan on doing a lot more new stuff along with creating a new web presence for the series, and will let you know about that when I can make it happen.  But for now: a little sketch for your dreaming pleasure.