This Horse

In this lotus

on a river

of coffee

pale parchment blue petals crinkle

in the offshore breezes.  Where are

the Horses?  Raging upriver, come.

I feel your presence in the strands

of water, memory of mermaid locks

come and curl around my arms,

like dragon’s blood charged with

moonlight.  The clay begins to cake,

lifted from the water into breathless

air, the stillness waiting for the

spark, ignition, come.


Do not flicker like faerie light-

stay this course liquid pigment

passion your foot prints left

behind, come.

In this place of water and dreams

pencil on bristol, 9×12″ MMXII
D and Vincent of “Blood Roses”

After two months of dreaming, one month of writing, one day of wine with pencil and paper, D has decided it’s time for an unofficial announcement that we are working on “Blood Roses” again!  This is a project I started in 1998, published 2000-2005 and suddenly stopped working on.  Well, I’ve suddenly started again, as some of you close to me already know.

For those of you who don’t:  This is a comic series I started quite a while ago.  My main character went out on extended holiday around 2005 and recently returned and I’m compelled, inspired, obsessed and working on it again.  I’ve got a lot of ideas brewing and today spent time with a drawing pencil instead of writing pen so I thought I’d share what happened.  I plan on doing a lot more new stuff along with creating a new web presence for the series, and will let you know about that when I can make it happen.  But for now: a little sketch for your dreaming pleasure.

Prisma Horses

Prismacolor 11 x 17″

It’s always fun to find something I’ve done in primacolor pencils.  I’m photographing some stuff this afternoon and thought I’d share with you.  I didn’t spend time on editing mostly because I like the edge of the painting behind this piece showing; it somehow fits the mood of the art all over my room right now.  These are fairly quick drawings copied from works by Raphael.  Now that I’m done photographing I think its time to draw…